
Oh great, here we go again... (Destiny)

by BeardFade ⌂, Portland, OR, Tuesday, October 11, 2016, 20:51 (3057 days ago) @ Korny

Gunslinger and Nightstalker melees (meaning knife stabs, not charged ones) are inherently weaker because they cannot be augmented by a charged melee. These two classes have ranged melees, but the knife requires great accuracy to use well, and smoke takes time to deploy. The Bladedancer outclasses these other two melee-wise because it can stab with it's charged melee.

As for sensitivity, other people may be able to whip it around faster. I'm at a mechanical disadvantage (of my own choosing) in this regard, because I play with Kontrol Freeks, and my right stick is quite tall. It literally takes me longer to move my stick around than other players even at the same sensitivity. It's great for sniping, not so good for running around with shotguns.

As for Sidearms, I love them, but with the re-addition of Matador and Party Crasher to the meta, I frankly found it underwhelming to use them. I couldn't kill someone charging at me fast enough to not get killed by those shotguns, and I'm backpedalling to try and decrease their chance of killing me at range.

My most successful playing was when I was just running around shotgunning like everyone else, it's just not something I enjoyed. I tried a bunch of different things to see if there was a way I would enjoy the type more, but I didn't really find anything.

By the end of the week, I felt like I no longer had a primary that could keep up with everyone's Clever Dragons (I didn't get one and didn't really get any good rolls on Unbent Tree). Frankly, last night, trying to get 12 primary kills in Supremacy was the damn toughest thing ever.

I also am not great with fusion rifles. I don't really know why. I hit people as squarely as I think I can and it only does half damage, whereas I die in one shot to Fusion rifles on a fairly regular basis.

My best way to play is to hang back and support my teammates. It's really hard to do that in supremacy for two reasons. 1) Player movement means almost inevitably that the teams move back and forth across the map in sweeps with the successful team pushing through to the other side. If you're hanging back supporting, you will be left alone soon enough. And 2) with the crazy spawns, some one is bound to spawn behind you and shotgun you if you're trying to support.

Like I said, just not a game type for me. To each their own.

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