
Now that we've played a ridiculous amount of Supremacy... (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, October 11, 2016, 21:43 (3057 days ago) @ BeardFade

I play a lot as a Gunslinger and Nightstalker and our melees are just complete weak sauce compared to every other melee out there

Defenders have a shorter range melee than any Hunter melee, charged or uncharged. Worse, Defenders get absolutely nothing until a kill... which is just super when Warlocks punch at beyond Shotgun ranges and Hunters have all kinds of deadly ranged attacks. Not really sure what your complaint is in regard to charged vs uncharged Hunter melees either... Unless I'm mistaken, and aside from Backstab, you do the same amount of damage in the Crucible if you connect with any close range (knife stab) melee attack, charged or not.

As for Supremacy itself, its odd. I do fairly well k/d wise (probably because I Dreg's Promise all the shotgun charging fools left and right) but usually get under 10 points in either of the two crest columns on the score screen. So, while I feel I'm playing well, I usually come last or second to last on the scorecard and it feels kinda weird. Like, I don't think my being there has really decided too many games.

It's also... interesting... how well or badly Supremacy games tend to go. I had a few memorable last second wins and losses over the week but very few actual comebacks. You just don't get that 2x or 3x multiplier like you can with Control which means if you're 10 points behind your entire team has to play spectacularly (getting the kills without dying) AND smartly (picking up enemy crests without dying) to make up even one point of ground. I think I like the actual moment to moment gameplay well enough... its fun to deny a few friendly crests and dart around a corner before the enemy can kill me... but the gameplay also very much lends itself to blowouts.

I guess... overall... I think it's an ok mode but I probably like Control's mechanics a little more.

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