
Really shows how bad weapons are now. (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 23:04 (2966 days ago) @ ProbablyLast

In Y1 they buffed the mag from 1 to 3 in order to make it even remotely usable. Now everything is so bad that they had to change it back and it's still the best rocket in the game.

I'd argue that my iron banner vendor Tormod's Bellows is now the best RL in the game. 3 rounds in the tube, fast rockets with big explosions and G&H. It's pre-nerf Truth without the tracking. And it's legendary, so you can use an exotic in a different slot.

But the fact that this is so top tier also concerns me. It was purchased from an IB vendor over a year ago. That means the barrier to entry for players who missed it is incredibly high. You're talking about an insanely lucky roll on a legacy engram (or can you even get legacy IB guns from those engrams? I've never paid much attention to them, so I'm unsure)

I like aspirational PvP, but when the ability of have-nots to get into the upper echelon of gear is so extreme as to be practically exclusive, well, I don't like that very much at all. Your path to getting a good gun should not be "go back in time 16 months."

Of course I should probably just shut up so bungie doesn't read this and nerf the bellows as well. Lord knows they'd rather nerf an existing good gun than add a new better one.

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