
Patch Notes (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 15:53 (2966 days ago) @ BeardFade

When you write tests, you generally mock your data, so you don't really write tests for it. You write tests for those functions/classes etc that receive, manipulate, and output your data. Examples: The Rangefinder nerf did the opposite of what it said it would do, this could have been found with a test. If they had tests for all perks, when testing the Hungering Blade nerf they would have seen broken tests for all the other classes that got accidentally nerfed.

Yes, Exactly! But also, no. What I'm saying is that they likely have units tests for the ADS code, and it works correctly <edit>with their mocked up data</edit>. However the actual data that modifies the time to ADS for the rangefinder perk is probably NOT embedded in the code (and thus would not be caught by a unit test) but found in a data file somewhere. The rangefinder 'bug' is likely in the data file, not the code.

(Side note: apparently it's up in the air if this rangefinder bug is indeed a bug, apparently they said in the livestream that ADS would be faster, but in the patchnotes that it would be increased (poor choice of words there, when I read it I was like, "wait, so is it going to be slower or faster?")).

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