
This "console war" thing is so tiring

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Thursday, August 01, 2013, 19:35 (3926 days ago) @ General Vagueness
edited by uberfoop, Thursday, August 01, 2013, 19:52

BTW, I'd say consoles have more precision as far as movements, given that on a PC you usually use keys and an analog stick is more precise and varied, where PC pulls ahead is in the mouse allowing for even more precise and varied and nuanced aiming than an analog stick
also BTW Cody (and a few other people) had to convince me of this a few years ago so IDK why he had to say it again

This doesn't wind up being as true as you might initially think.

Four boolean directional keys is precise in a way that allows you to use the mouse as part of your movement direction control. The result is something that can offer at least as good directional control as an analogue stick, while also being very responsive (mouse and boolean buttons can be just as snappy as clanking an analogue stick around). The major limitation with what I've just described is that you're binding your aiming to your movement, but the ability to snap your view around keeps this from being a significant issue most of the time.

Analogue sticks still offer the neat ability to use variable force, but in shooters, 99 times out of 100 you can effectively accomplish the same thing by pulsing your buttons.

And this is coming from someone who hasn't used M&K in shooters even close to as much as a gamepad over the years. Quite a few people familiar with stuff like Quake 3 Defrag could make compelling arguments that in some respects, M&K is actually much better than gamepads for movement.

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