
Gorgon Killing (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Wednesday, April 05, 2017, 17:16 (2880 days ago) @ Vortech

We did. It takes an annoying amount of time because you want to be very, very careful that you're only triggering one at a time. We used two tethers, 2 nighthawk golden guns, and multiple Razelighters to burn them down really quickly - just a couple of seconds. We popped 2 defender bubbles (with alpha lupi for 3 orbs each) whenever possible to keep up a flow of orbs, and waited for full supers before each Gorgon.

Assume there's always another Gorgon. The record book will show a completion icon on the right side of the screen as soon as the last Gorgon dies. We missed the one that hangs out by the right-side "secret" chest - took us a while to find him for the last kill.

The good news is that the Gorgons don't get stronger after every kill, they don't become immune, and they don't respawn. So isolate each one and kill each in turn for the record book.

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