
Different oracle strategy (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Thursday, April 06, 2017, 12:33 (2879 days ago) @ narcogen

In videos I have seen, every currently eligible guardian fires on the first available oracle.

When a player receives the "player has killed an oracle" notification, they exit.

This requires less communication or negotiation about who is killing which oracle, but more watchfulness on the part of each player looking at the notifications.

You're correct that it's simpler (and it'll definitely work well), but it can have a high ammo cost if you're using sleepers to one-shot kill oracles - you might end up firing at two or even three oracles before scoring a kill, leaving less ammo for Atheon. Once everyone has a legendary Epilogue to melt oracles, I expect your approach will be the default.

I ran it a couple of times last night with DBO folks, and the call-outs basically resolved to:

"Mars"/"Venus" (called by the relic runner)
"I'll get the first oracle" (called by one of the others teleported)
"I'll be last" (called by one of the people not teleported)
"I'll get the third oracle" (called by whoever gets through the gateway from the outside first)
"I got the 5th oracle" (called by the relic runner)
"Time's Vengeance" (called by the last guardian killing an oracle)
Then a countdown by the relic runner on the remaining buff time

With a Weapons of Light Bubble, constant tethers, and a team full of sleepers, you can down Atheon in a single cycle.

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