
Special ammo restrictions for all. (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Friday, May 19, 2017, 01:56 (2790 days ago) @ Xenos

So in other words, "primary" no longer means HC/SR/AR/PR. It means no elemental damage, ever, no matter what the actual weapon type is.

All elemental weapons, regardless of type, will now be subject to special ammo restrictions.

I can imagine good and bad things about this.

From watching gameplay videos I don't think this is true. People have never run even run out of elemental ammo, I'm pretty sure ammo for kinetic and elemental weapons is plentiful and the only rare ammo at all anymore is Power ammo.

In D1, primary ammo is basically infinite. Even if you use it all up, you only have to wait.

Special ammo has to come from a synth or be picked up, generally speaking.

Heavy ammo, if memory serves, MUST be picked up.

If "kinetic" means no elemental damage ever, which is what it means in D1, and if the "kinetic" and "energy" slots work in D2 the way the primary and secondary slots work now, it means the end of potentially infinite ammo elemental weapons.

Secondary ammo might be plentiful, but it still would mean that all elemental damage is subject to some sort of restriction, even if is not much of a restriction.

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