
Bleah (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 00:56 (2786 days ago) @ squidnh3

I just don't think getting repeatedly 1-hit-killed by enemy supers and sniper rifles to be "fun" ;p

I think a lot of people dwell way too much on the frustrating end of this, and don't remember how much fun it is when you get to pull off something crazy. A lot of competitive players focus way too much on 1v1 battles, and not enough on the overall flow of the game. Sure, you killed me with a super and there was nothing I could have done about it, but I'll get you and 3 of your teammates when mine comes up. Everyone has opportunities for big plays, and whoever makes the most of theirs over the course of the game usually comes out on top. I find that way more exciting than the clinical style of play that things seem to be shifting towards.

I do get that, and even I would admit that it is a rush when you nail 4 enemies with a fist of havoc. But the sheer numbers at play all but guarantee that those moments will happen against you far more often than in your favor.

But there's a bigger issue. The rush from a cool super multikill is great, but do you know what's waaaay better? The rush from getting a huge killstreak through superior play. And all too often in Destiny, those moments are cut short because I get hit by an enemy's super. It's the Mario Kart school of design. A form of "rubber banding" within an FPS. And I'm not totally against that idea... but it's just taken to such an extreme in Destiny. Titanfall 2 does an amazing job of giving players opportunities to turn the tides or find moments of success against a superior enemy. But they are never the show-stopping, inescapable "win" buttons of Destiny's supers.

Nothing more than a personal opinion here, but I don't think Destiny's year 1 PvP had much that is worth recreating. It was a fairly mediocre PvP shooter compared to other modern FPS games, IMO.

Man, you crazy.

Maybe ;) But I also play a lot of Titanfall. That game gets so much right, it's tough for anything else to compete :)

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