
Special ammo restrictions for all. (Destiny)

by Schedonnardus, Texas, Friday, May 19, 2017, 17:12 (2790 days ago) @ Xenos

I think the two slots are not meant to be incredibly different on power or ammo rareness, I think they are just supposed to serve different purposes in your loadout (hence the talk about more options with this setup).

It sounds like you basically have two primary slots, with one capable of elemental damage.

But like, imagine in the crucible having a hand canon and a scout rifle in those slots… aren't you basically covered at any range? This seems like you could basically mitigate any dead zones with certain loadouts.

Why would you have two of the same weapon?

I don't think you would. I even think that's why they introduced the SMG, a close quarters weapon that melts at close range without being an instant kill like a shotgun. With having two primary slots you cover your bases with those and your power weapon is for special scenarios or high DPS.

how does heavy (special,whatever) ammo work in crucible now? if it's similar to how it is now, i can't see why anyone would want to use a shotgun when there will be people with rockets.

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