
Kotaku splitscreen interview: Including very honest history (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, June 15, 2017, 02:02 (2645 days ago) @ electricpirate

I just came here to post this, too.

I typed out the first question and answer, because I thought it was interesting.

Jason: You said you will not be talking about the Darkness in the game . . . Tell me the truth, is it because none of you have any idea what the Darkness actually means?

Luke: I think that at a point, just totally candidly, we had no idea what it was—straight up we had no clue. For a period, we decided we were going to lump all the races . . . and you see this in the tools tips in the game: “minions of the Darkness,” and we had taken all the races and just said, “Ah, they’ll just be the Darkness.” But that’s not what the IP deserves, it’s literally not. So what we’re doing with Destiny 2 is we are deliberately telling a story about the Light and what it means to be chosen. And as such we’re in the process of removing the term Darkness from the game, because when we are going to talk about Darkness next, we need to know what it is and have and plan for it . . . and we do.

I honestly think that's awesome, and the pitch of first telling a story about the Light is compelling for me. I really hope they deliver.

Later in the interview, Luke specifically calls out Jason Jones and the leadership surrounding him during the development of Destiny 1 as problematic. After TTK he was asked what he wanted to work on next and he said he was game for anything, as long as he got to keep his leadership team together. That's good news, I think, both from just an attitude perspective, and for the fact that that team became the leadership for Destiny 2.

Overall, it's a great interview. Luke sounds genuinely excited for what they're making, as for as much as a show as Bungie put on in the lead up to Destiny 1, this feels legitimately different, and I think that's a good sign.

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