Darkness was bad, now it's gone, coming back someday. (Destiny)

by DEEP_NNN, Thursday, June 15, 2017, 15:14 (2644 days ago) @ electricpirate

Sheesh, make up your minds about the Darkness Bungie. Cody was right. (insert acid reflux here.)

Luke whined like a bitch to keep his little team together. Do you think he's genius enough to get it right?

Private matches not arriving at release and not a hint to when. How could this happen with everything they've already learned in D1? Disappointing.

Luke only recently found out Ward of Dawn was added back in. Sounds more reactionary than planned to me.

So, to me it already smacks of the same marketing scheme as D1. They have cool stuff in hand but they probably have it assigned a release date on a white board in a secret room.

It reminds me of ... Give customers certain goto Exotics, take them away with a dumb explanation, wait till the customers are dying to get them back and then give/sell those same Exotics back in dribs and drabs. Assign a date to each epoch before full release.

I know what I'd like to say to Bungie ... but I like their dumb game. For now that is.

I think Ghaul looks stupid too.

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