
Gamescom Cards

by Pyromancy @, discovering fire every week, Thursday, August 22, 2013, 01:08 (4063 days ago)
edited by Pyromancy, Thursday, August 22, 2013, 01:13

I heard through one of the various news sources (I forget which) that there was going to be these strategically placed collectible Destiny Cards at Gamescom in Germany. They piqued my interest, hoping for some new tidbit. As expected, cool art, but the tidbits we may have to dig up through tranlation or drawing other connections.
Found these images of 2 of the card backs via eBay Germany, thanks to user 'Hellmika666'


Card 2

Sie finden Möglichkeiten dort, wo andere nicht zu suchen wagen. Sie Sind unsere Wegbereiter, die jedes Mittel einsetzen, um in Grenzland zu überleben

Jäger lernten in der Wildnis zu überleben, indem sie die Energien des Reisenden auf clevere Art manipulierten. Manche befürchten, dass sie zu gefährlich seien, doch ist es ihr Mut, der uns zu den Wundern unseres Goldenen Zeitalters führt."

Shaky Google Translate:

You will find opportunities where others do not dare to look. Are you our pioneer who use every means to survive in the border country

Hunter learned to survive in the wilderness, by manipulating the energies of the Traveler in a clever way. Some fear that they are too dangerous, but it is their courage, which leads us to the wonders of our Golden Age."


Card 3

Wir betrachten sie als gesichtslose Ritter, doch tatsächlich wirken sie durch ihre Stärke und Entschlossenheit eher wie Götter.

Titane perfektionieren seit Langem die Fähigkeiten, die ihnen der Reisende gab und geben diese an jede neue Kriegergeneration weiter. Die Gründung der stadt beruht auf ihrer Stärke und sie haben einen Bluteid geleistet, sie zu beschützen."

Shaky Google Translate:

We view them as a faceless knight, but actually they work through their strength and determination more like gods.

Titan has long been perfecting the skills that gave them the traveler and pass it on to each new generation of warriors. The foundation of the city based on their strength and they have made a blood oath to protect her."

After I did these ^ I decided to quick check Google. reddit led me to a photo from Twitter user Desti_Nation7 from desti-nation.org Who offered this photo of the front of the cards:


Maybe we can add them all here and get a more accurate translation from someone who speaks German natively? German Lars wo bist du?

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