SGA: Pick Up Your Glimmer! (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, September 12, 2017, 01:30 (2479 days ago) @ General Vagueness

So, I think I've probably left thousands of Glimmer on the ground at this point. I'm still getting used to the new mechanic where chests drop physical items that must be picked up to be claimed:

And yet, your Glimmer is still likely showing up as 99999+. :P

I like how "99999+" just means "99999+1" :p


hmm, well that answers one thing I was curious about
I'm really glad they increased the cap but I think 100,000 is a bit high, especially given what's available to buy
it would be nice if we could buy other currency with glimmer, even if it's really expensive

I've dropped down below 50,000 a couple of times now. I'm REALLY HAPPY it's as high as it is; I see ABSOLUTELY NO BENEFIT in its being lower. I cannot for one minute come up with a reason why it should be lower that isn't countered with "but that makes no sense".

I'm seriously scratching my head on this one. Can you provide a single reason why you suggested the cap is too high? Does the large number of 9s bother you, or something?

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