
The Gauntlet (*SP*) (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Tuesday, September 19, 2017, 13:51 (2565 days ago) @ Kahzgul

My team cleared this last night. Pretty tricky to figure out, imo. Other than figuring out the arrows in that you have to shoot two arrows at once, and that which column the red ring appears in is irrelevant our major stumbling block was the final phase. Someone kept dying too early, and we'd time out like 4 seconds before we'd have completed the encounter. Future completions should be easy, but this seemed to be the most obtuse of the challenges so far. Thoughts?

Yeah, it took us a while to realize that it was the reverse of what the ring showed for the runner. We at first thought we had to shoot the same as the ring and we did that for a while and somehow I managed to shoot the other two arrows that wasn't the ring and got it to turn green and I got all excited. I of course had no idea what I had done.

We eventually figured it out.

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