Wait a second... (Destiny)

by TheeChaos @, Thursday, September 28, 2017, 17:59 (2716 days ago) @ UnrealCh13f

"We are aware of MIDA Multi-Tool’s popularity and are looking at it very closely. It is popular, but according to our data, there are options out there that match or exceed its effectiveness in all activities. Have you found one?

It’s only the first month of a long adventure. Many players are still gathering weapons for their arsenal and we have a handful of guns that haven’t even hit the game yet. We’re excited to see how things evolve. As always, thanks for playing, and keep the feedback rolling in."

They are saying there are guns that are more effective than MIDA, and then hint that one reason you might not have them is because they aren't in game yet??

Anyone else feel like that's odd?

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