
Say hello to the Iron Banner (Destiny)

by RaichuKFM @, Northeastern Ohio, Thursday, September 28, 2017, 18:55 (2716 days ago) @ TheeChaos

I think they were saying "There are weapons that can counter MIDA, which we can tell, looking at the data. Things are early, so keep in mind the meta is still shaping up. And there are even a few options not in your hands yet! Isn't that exciting?"; in any case reading the bit about guns in the game being the solutions (as in, all of them or most of them) to MIDA is a misreading-

"It is popular, but according to our data, there are options out there that match or exceed its effectiveness in all activities. Have you found one?" (Emphasis mine.)

With said data being "our first real batch of player data from our analytics team. We’ve also been shoulder-to-shoulder with you in the trenches daily", and thus data from the actual game- which clearly can't include guns not yet released.

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