
Does Destiny need a "campaign"? (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, October 20, 2017, 12:40 (2615 days ago) @ Cody Miller

In a lot of ways, Destiny 2’s campaign pretty much is “just” a short series of adventures set one after the other. I guess I’m a bit confused as what would really change. Already, some of the story mission like the one with the tank had us travel through the open world to launch. More of that? Or more elaborate events in the open world that bring us from plot point to plot point?

(emphasis mine)

Yeah, more stuff like that is what I had in mind. Destiny has all these different systems in place (strikes, patrols, adventures, public events) and some of the most exciting and unpredictable moments happen when those systems crash into each other and overlap. I think having more instances of that, and more different combinations, is a good direction for Destiny to lean, as it is really the thing that makes Destiny unique. And a good way to achieve that is to keep as many players engaged with public instances as possible, including the "story" focused missions.

But now you have to put back in the grind in order to keep people playing and the spaces filled. It doesn't work dude. You have to stretch things out and make a grind for people to spend the time required in the world for this to work. It's one of those things that sounds good, but isn't practically. It's the biggest reason why MMOs do not work as games and have low fun per second.

That’s one possibility, but not the only one. If activities are fun, people will replay them (not to the crazy amount that people replayed content in D1, but that’s not necessary). Plus there’s the question of the number of activities that overlap with each other. Right now we have 1 or 2 points where strikes overlap with adventures and patrol zones all in the same place at the same time. If story missions were also part of that mix, and public events, and other world events, and there were more places where these overlaps happened, then the experience of playing Destiny would become more exciting and unpredictable for however long a player wants to keep playing.

Any time a game is able to create fun and diverse systems and mechanics that overlap in interesting and logical yet unpredictable ways, it leads to awesomeness. Just look at Shadow of Mordor, Horizon Zero Dawn, Titanfall 2, Breath of the Wild, etc. Destiny dipped its toe into this sort of thing, Destiny 2 has maybe 1 leg in. I want to see what happens when the game jumps into the deep end :)

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