
and it gets worse... (Destiny)

by davidfuchs ⌂, USA, Monday, November 27, 2017, 11:15 (2632 days ago) @ CyberKN


A patch went live on Sunday, and one data-hungry player soon confirmed that all of the XP-scaling systems they'd uncovered were now gone. Players would now be rewarded XP as advertised in the game, no matter what mode was played or for how long.

But this patch introduced another unannounced change to the XP system. Bungie decided to tune the speed of XP gain by doubling the required XP needed to "level up," from 80,000 points to 160,000. Patch notes didn't mention this change; Bungie, once again, had to be questioned by its fanbase before confirming the exact amount of this XP-related change.

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