
You cannot be serious (Destiny)

by Pyromancy @, discovering fire every week, Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 12:09 (2631 days ago) @ Pyromancy

Amongst other things they might do "to try to make this right"
Seeing the Season 1 Bright Engram loot not go away on the 5th as planned and instead continue to appear in the Season 2 loot pool would be nice

(as far as I can tell they still have not even clearly communicated specifically each and every item that will be "going away forever" from Season 1 - and we are basically a week out from the day that these items are scheduled to be gone...)

There is an in game pop-up when you launch Destiny 2 today, since the weekly reset overnight.

Season 1 Ending Soon

The current season ends in less than one week, on Dec. 5 at 10AM PST.

This means that Bright Engram contents and Clan progression will be refreshed for Season 2, beginning December 5. Work with your clan to reach maximum level and unlock this season's Clan Staff. Also, be sure to "earn" [quotes installed by me snarkastically] that Spicy Ramen emote while you can!

More information about Season 2 can be found on bungie.net"

Tess isn't even selling any of the items that we think/know will be going away forever, like the Spicy Ramen emote. We STILL don't even know, in total, exactly which items will be going away.

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