
Some Criticism (3) (Destiny)

by Harmanimus @, Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 20:11 (2634 days ago) @ Harmanimus


[3.1a] The last part I'll touch on is sandbox balance. Overall there are very few abilities I have issues with so I'll focus more on the weapon side of the sandbox. Mostly only power weapons, actually. I really enjoy the Kinetic/Energy dynamic. However, Power weapons pretty much all feel off to me. Shotguns really feel like they should be more reliable at their longer ranges because they've been moved to that slot. Rockets generally feel really inconsistent on their actual splash damage. And for how easy sword kills seem to be I'm not sure the ammo drop is very balanced. Anecdotally, most power weapons don't feel powerful. I will admit, it is possible all of my experiences are due to latency issues (can we get dedicated servers, please?) but I definitely feel like the whole power weapon slot needs to be looked at.

[3.1b] And speaking of, Power Ammo as the only map draw is kind of disappointing, actually. Especially with how it works in clash to draw everyone to one part of a map and then abandoning half the map to stick the other bricks off in other corners. For Clash specifically, rotating or randomized Power Spawn locations could improve the overall map flow experience, as for the most part it is just pretty stale tug-of-war. The real objective modes (Control and Countdown) both suffer from what feels like a desire to push the team combat into a competitive format, similar to Overwatch, without actually taking the focus that makes Overwatch engaging on a competitive level. For those unaware, there is only ever one objective at a time in Overwatch and there is always an objective. This really supports the high level team coordination. Whereas the distributed focus of Des2ny would better support more individual skill (available abilities and map design with more mobility options in mind) which has been downplayed in the overall design.

[3.1c] I would propose one way to encourage wider map usage would be to bring in ability charges on the maps. Just as grenades were on-map in Halo. Allow a player to pick one up and have a 10 second debuff before they can pick up another, but you get 1/3 of the charge of your abilities. These can be kept to the peripheral but high traffic areas to allow for motivation for higher map usage without just putting power ammo spawns everywhere. For more competitive purposes I would also consider dedicated power weapona ammo points. Perhaps one where you can only pick up shotgun ammo or rocket ammo. This could allow for more dynamic power ammo spawns and varied cooldowns based on the ammo type. These are a little more spinfoil-hatted ideas, but I think playing up some of the Arena Shooter roots could be nice.

[3.2a] Map design has ups and downs. Most maps tend to work well for their main gametypes. And different areas better supporting different weapons based on engagement ranges are pretty nice. Some maps feel like they were built for 6v6 and some feel like they'd work better as FFA or 3v3. But we don't have those. Change ups to items available (classic power ups maybe) on the maps or even Forge-styled modifications (such as closing off the center tunnels in some maps or such) could lead to much more gameplay variety depending on the mode being played or volume of players. I'd love to have a Forge mode anyway. And a theater mode. But I digress.

[3.2b] Maps could use more variety in heights and level of design interest. Most maps are 1-2 layers at most. The most tactical map usage in many matches is camping a corner with a sword. That's an exaggeration. But still. I know quite a few people who have expressed similar disappointment. The maps aren't bad by any stretch even if some are unbalanced for certain modes, but it would be nice to have more variety in landscapes and number of layers.

[3.3a] The Core gameplay loop is enjoyable, if sluggish. The higher TTK leads to team fights, but the objectives imply individual skill that isn't supported by available abilities and mobility options. The objects of interest on maps are intermittent but consistent. It gives a nice amount of flow, but like with mods and fixed rolls, I think that it leaves me wanting. I don't personally feel like any weapon or archetype is over powering from a mechanical standpoint. MIDA is popular because it is comfortable. High Caliber Rounds is blown out of proportion, though it definitely helps in many fire fights.

[3.3b] However, of note, is that the differences between PC and Console are pretty vast and in some regards definitely not in favore of console play. I normally prefer to play on consoles for most games. The tactile experience of the controller, the living room setting. It's fun. But the game is hurt by having a higher reliance on reticle and bullet magnetism to counteract overblown recoil than what I feel it needs to be. Playing KBM on PC makes weapons that are barely manageable on console into weapons that are fun to use. I feel like I am just trusting the Random Number God when I use an SMG on console while I feel like I am actually in control on PC. Fusion Rifles, too. I honestly think a tone-down of recoil systems on console with a reasonable reduction in aim-assisting features would benefit the overall experience on consoles.

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