
Sandbox needs some work (Destiny)

by Durandal, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 05:30 (2630 days ago) @ Harmanimus

Uriels, and to a lesser extent ARs, are too good across range bands.
Hand Cannons struggle in a area where Subs, Sidearms, and ARs all compete.

Mobility is useless. I went all in on my hunter and have to be very smart about how I play. My Resilience 10 Titan just punches all the things.

Pulse grenades are really good, followed by void grenades. All others seem to be weak, and require some setup to work effectively. Flash, Suppression, Skips, Sticks, Incindearies and such are not capable of killing a player, don't last as long, and are hard to hit with. They all need a shorter cool down or a revision.

Ark Strider melees are too short of range, and don't really have any advantage. In the case of the stun punch, it does not work at all.

Melees auto target through hunter dodges. Hunters still take damage through dodges. It still takes 3 melees to kill players, even if two of those are charged melee hits via the dodge. The Dodge is slow.

Arkstriders are too slow in the super to run down players. Targeting in the air is difficult. Dodging doesn't move you close enough and burns super time.

Warlock melees are still like hand shotguns, where as Titan and Hunter melees pull them into close range.

Rift and Shield abilities are pretty good compared to dodge.

Why are warlocks the only ones with blink?

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