Mercury is a crazy Destination (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, December 13, 2017, 14:52 (2616 days ago) @ ManKitten

The heroic infinite forest adventures have the rotating elemental boosts, so if your super happened to be Arc and the arc boost was up, you'd do a boatload of damage. Seems likely to me.

I don't know what this is. Please educate me?

sometimes the nightfall has elemental boosts (burn) that rotates thru all elements. I guess the same is for the heroic adventures, i've yet to do one. in the notification area above your super it will tell you what the current burn is. If you can, try to have different elements on your secondary, heavy and super, so that you'll have 3/4 elements covered. Don't waste elemental ammo or super on boss until the proper burn is active.

I dig it and have not noticed those. Will keep an eye out.

Thank you!

One of the common modifiers is Prism, which rotates the burn through all three elements. It says, in the bottom left of the screen, which is active (nicely color-coded so you don't have to even READ it, you can just glance to look for blue (Arc), orange (Solar) or purple (Void). When, say, Solar is on, Solar weapons (and abilities, and grenades) do triple the normal amount of damage, while Arc and Void weapons are actually nerfed (I'm not sure how much - 10%?). Kinetic weapons do the same damage throughout.

But yeah, we went into the Runner with three of us, all having Solar supers... we waited just before entering the area where the boss starts running until Solar popped, then ran around the corner and unloaded on him. He died before taking 5 steps.

Prism is much nicer than the elemental burns that went along with Destiny 1 - those buffed your weapons and abilities just like Prism does... but they also buffed enemy shields and attacks by the same amount. So those Void Psions protecting Valus Ta'aurc could take you out with almost a single shot - that's what made burns in D1 Nighfalls push the playstyle towards hide-n-ping. Here, Prism does nothing to your enemy's power - they're tough, but the toughness is constant throughout, while yours gets buffed, elementally, as you go.

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