Mercury is a crazy Destination (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, December 13, 2017, 14:58 (2378 days ago) @ Kahzgul

- There's a chain of circular launchers that rings the area. If you go through one set, it spawns a chest-dropping guy at the end. There are three sets of launchers and you can do all three before they despawn for 3 chests!

Most efficient way to do this loop: Kill the two Hobgoblins guarding the first ring, jump in. Kill the set at the end of this set of rings (and the start of the next set) - a well-placed rocket as you're leaving the last ring will take them both out before you land. Repeat through the next set of rings (jump in, kill the Hobgoblins at the end). Jump in to the third set - it brings you back to where you started, where there'll either be the spawned Minotaur to kill and loot the chest of, or someone will have killed him while you were gone, leaving his chest for you to loot. Jump in, rinse, repeat (x2). The travel time (and kill time on the Minotaurs) are such that even if someone kills the Minotaur a few seconds after you leave, the chest will still be there when you get back at the end of the circuit.

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