
How Cody plays PS4 (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 22:57 (2451 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Sharper: I would rather have a better looking image (more lighting effects and shaders) than a small amount of extra sharpness.

The lighting and particle effects are precisely what Impressed me playing on the Xbox One X on a 4K OLED. I started a new character and the first mission and arcololgy strike in particular were stunning.

I'm with Cody here. That's not the 4k that makes the difference but the additional shaders and lighting effects. Destiny 2 on the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro might be the prettiest game that's ever been made. Don't need 4k to see that.

This argument is kinda going sideways between “how things could/should be better” vs “how things actually are”.

Theoretically speaking, I’m with Cody. I don’t believe 4K resolution is a worthwhile use of processor power. I’d rather see those teraflops put to use in other ways.

But practically speaking, playing Destiny 2 on my 55” 4K HDR screen on an Xbox One X is noticeably better looking than it does playing in 1080p through an Xbox One S, AND it runs smoother. So I may not agree with the direction hardware manufacturers are going, but there is still an improvement in the overall results (although I do tend to agree again with Cody that most of the difference is thanks to HDR and not screen res.)

I'd say it's not fair to compare the XB1X with the XB1S. Now if you would, in the interest of science, hook your XB1X up to a non-4k screen and compare to see how it looks vs. the 4k, that would be interesting to know the results of. I'm gonna guess that it's very nearly as good as long as you're sitting 5' or more away from the TV.

I did exactly that when I first got my Xbox One X, and the difference between it and my S on a 1080 screen was negligible. That’s actually why I got a 4K TV, because that’s what it takes to see an appreciable difference.

But that’s all kind of sideways to the point I was trying to make. I was saying that I agree with Cody that 4K is probably not the best use of resources. That putting that extra hoursepower towards better lighting, particle effects, animation budgets, frame rates, and stuff like that would all make a more drastic improvement than rendering at 4K does. But having said that, playing Destiny in 4K on an Xbox One X does actually look better than playing it in 1080 on a One X or a One S, so there is still a bit of a visual gain.

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