
This Week's Nightfall is amazing (Destiny)

by Robot Chickens, Monday, January 22, 2018, 16:09 (2578 days ago) @ breitzen

UpNorth and I ran it 20 times over the weekend. Why would we do this? Well, it started out with it being our favorite Nightfall due to the positive perk of recharging abilities. Hunters, with smoke, are particularly fun because they can go invisible very easily. Also, the Raiden Flux chest piece turns arc striders into the highest DPSers available. There's a couple places where you need to clear enemies (good for arc striders) but most of the strike can be stealthily bypassed by standing on plates and running around enemies (good for night stalkers). It was a fun challenge to see how quickly we could do it. Eventually we just started inviting people on our friend's list. Many people got Rat's King this weekend. Also, lots of people wanted to do it multiple times because of the faction ornaments at stake. With practice our best time was 10:53, which means we had over 50% of the clock left.


Thanks for helping us chase our dumb goals DBO. I had a ridiculous amount of fun this weekend.

It also gave me this clip in which I murder UpNorth. It was me Claude, not you. :-)


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