
Something’s Missing: Defeats (Criticism)

by Robot Chickens, Thursday, January 25, 2018, 11:15 (2528 days ago) @ Harmanimus

Re: Osiris

I really appreciate how fallable they made him and that they toyed with his being built up high wnough that they knew nothing they could do would likely live up to fan expectations brought along by D1. They even explicitly state that not even Osiris lives up to his legend. I can see an argument that it is a cop out. But I think it worked for the story. And he’s still around. So we’ll see if we get more tangential threads later. Hopefully.

Also, I get the feeling that with Vance they just wanted someone for everyone to hate more than Asher.

Ha. I'm one of the few that really likes Asher. He's a lovable old crank IMHO. Fight me!

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