
It looks really cool (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 16:30 (2432 days ago) @ marmot 1333

There is a pretty good variety of creatures to fight, all with unique moves and weaknesses.

I’m not far enough to truly know, but from my understanding, playing through the “story” is all what is called Low Rank. When you finish, the world gets populated with High Rank creatures. I don’t think there are new creatures, but instead just harder versions. Think Heroic or Prestige mode. That’s what most seem to consider as the real game, where the creatures start dropping rare parts for the really good gear.

There are four areas in the game, each with a unique set of creatures. I’m ten hours in and only in the second area. I spent two hours last night hunting the same creature repeatedly to get drops to craft better gear so I could take down a big creature that was my next story mission. I don’t think that was necessary, but that creature kicked my ass three times in a row, so I figured crafting some better armor and a weapon with the element the big guy is weak to would help. So I spent a couple of hours grinding that stuff out. But I did do it by jumping in with random people doing that hunt, and it was really fun.

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