
Is anyone playing Monster Hunter World? (Off-Topic)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 19:10 (2278 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I am absolutely loving it, but it's a game that's way more fun with other people. I'm having a blast just joining up with randos to hunt monsters, but if anyone is playing on PS4, let me know!

It's sort of funny--I complained about grinding in Destiny. Monster Hunter is a game that's all about grinding. Hunting monsters to get parts to craft gear. That's pretty much the game. I'm not sure why I like that loop so much versus the loop of grinding out strikes for specific gear in D1, but it's given me something to think about.


- Do you know or are you able to learn, in-game, which monsters you need to hunt for which gear?
- Do you know or are you able to learn, in-game, where you can find the monsters you need to hunt?
- Do you know or are you able to learn, in-game, how to conduct your monster hunt for maximum effectiveness?

If the answer is yes to all three of these, then I think I can explain why this is a more fun loop than Destiny. In Destiny the loop is: Kill literally anything and pray. If there were specific drops *that mattered* in certain zones, it would be "go to X zone and kill literally anything and pray," but location specific loot is all basically the same so who cares?

This is also why I think Diablo 3 is bad. Kill literally anything and pray. Literally. Anything. I guess some of the endgame tier activities have more powerful loot (rifts), but this is still a "kill literally anything in a rift and pray" which is about the same.

This is why I think Diablo 2 is amazing. Certain bosses are loot pinatas guaranteed to drop good drops and you know about how powerful the loot they drop will be, about where in the levels those bosses can be found, and can figure out specifically how to approach those fights in order to maximize efficiency.

If the answers to those questions aren't all yes, then I'm not sure why it's a compelling loop, but generally feeling like you made a meaningful decision that directly contributed to your goals beyond wandering aimlessly is helpful to feeling like you have more agency in your character's progression.

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