
Really Confusing! *Calus SP* (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Monday, March 19, 2018, 11:34 (2518 days ago) @ ZackDark
edited by Morpheus, Monday, March 19, 2018, 11:40

Yeah, but with Oryx there's a good what, 10-15 seconds between the lights detonating and his final Dragonheart? Plenty of time to reload all three weapons. If your processing system is fast enough, you could even risk a synth! Aksis has less time(I'd say about 3-5 seconds), but there's still a definitive "Okay, last damage phase" moment that everyone can communicate. And in that particular scenario, most people should be using either Shoulder Mounted Cannons or Swords/Cluster Bomb Rockets; two of those don't even reload, so you're good to go. With Calus, he's straight-up immune for 5-7 seconds while he points his grenade launcher thing, and then he immediately starts up.

You're right about this kinda thing being in raids before, but in the others it was more considerate, more fair.

POST EDIT: In fact, now that I think about it, there was one time in Oryx where the Aura of Immortality killed three of our raiders(including myself, the holder of said aura) in staggered steps, and the three remaining guys still had enough time to get completely ready. Granted, they were all using Bad Touch, but the point is for being the greediest most evil unfeeling vengeful S.O.B. in the entire galaxy, Oryx is very nice to us—even nicer than Bungie. ;-D

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