
And the PS4 exclusives (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Wednesday, May 02, 2018, 11:16 (2340 days ago) @ Korny


Not a huge fan of the overall look, but thank goodness that it's not another set of toe shoes. And the chestpiece might look neat on a female hunter.

Hunter armor looks dope

I kinda dig the hockey samurai look. And none of it is obnoxiously bulky (looking at you, Terra Concord set).


Personally, I'm tired of all Warlock helmets having a very samey style throughout Destiny 2. How many times do we need to have the same Precursor-inspired helmet? Mix it up!
At least the chestpiece and gauntlets look pretty sweet.

Just can never get behind the drapey symmetrical gown style. Agreed though, dope gauntlets



Insight Terminus

Zavala needs a team of Guardians to break into a Vex tomb on Nessus that has been overrun by the Cabal. Defeat the powerful Psion commander before he can take over the Vex gateway network and reap the rewards.


Looks like a cool strike, it's a bummer that they lock content like this as an exclusive. I'm really curious about how many people actually were swayed to PS4 because of the exclusives. I in part picked up a PS4 because I thought for sure all my friends were getting Destiny on the PS4 as it was the lead SKU.

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