
PS4 Blind Raid pledge (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Monday, May 21, 2018, 00:13 (2219 days ago) @ Kermit
edited by Korny, Monday, May 21, 2018, 00:22

Pledges are retarded...

No, they're not. Don't be an ass.

Except they totally are (especially among supposed adults).

You're free to think otherwise, but in my experience/opinion, the only people who demand pledges are

A. Untrustworthy/dishonest people (I see it in the same vein as someone who says "why would I lie?". You plant your own seeds of distrust, and people who don't simply trust the word of others are likely liars themselves.

B. Insecure and controlling (ties into point A.) You try to exert control of others by getting them to consent to you holding something over their head. People with insecurities in their relationships with others tend to want leverage over them, and a pledge is pretty much on the same level as demanding to know where they are going, who they're going to be with, what they're doing, etc. And homie don't play that.

I said that I am currently blind, and that I'll be available for the raid. If Cody gets five folks who want to spit in their hand, cross their hearts, and hook their pinkie with his to feel better, then hooray, they have a full team to play kick the can.

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