
PS4 Blind Raid pledge (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Monday, May 21, 2018, 09:38 (2219 days ago) @ Korny

Thank you for that exegesis. A pledge is just another word for a commitment.

Well, that's conveniently reductive (and here I thought you loved language and were capable of understanding nuance/context). If you want to look at it from that elementary angle, then I understand why you don't think a pledge is stupid.

A commitment is one thing, and yeah, there's nothing wrong with that (you're right that a pledge is a form of commitment). But the last time that I saw a pledge around here (and described specifically as a pledge), the event planner phrased it like "I ____ henceforth solemnly swear to remain visually and spiritually blind to this raid on pain of death...".
It's sad cringe at its finest, and that's what I think is stupid.

I'm reductive? You're the one who said "pledges are retarded". You're right. I don't have your understanding of language. I don't know what "sad cringe" means as an adjectival phrase.

I don't see anything wrong with some rhetorical flourish to communicate the idea that you want people to take the commitment you're asking for seriously, and so that those who enjoy trolling/ruining others' enjoyment know that they need not apply.

In my case any rhetoric like that was partly tongue-in-cheek, but also partly serious, and to the accusation that I might take a video game too seriously, well, yeah, dude. That's why I'm writing on this forum. I spend a serious amount of time on this hobby, unimportant as it may be to many people, and an important part of the enjoyment I get out of Destiny in particular is when I'm able to help figure out a new raid. If you don't take that as seriously, then fine, no harm no foul. If only you could extend such grace to others.

From everything I can tell you are a totally committed husband, so I'm skeptical that you truly believe that "pledges are retarded."

"Korny thinks pledges for a video game are dumb? Wait, does that mean he's not faithful to his wife?"

In your psychoanalysis you didn't hesitate to assess people's attitude towards their relationships. I guess I'm just not as well practiced in trolling to keep my discussion abstract, so I could plausibly deny I am talking about you personally. I'll work on that.

Your thought process is interesting, that's for sure.

As is yours.

If Cody is just asking "Who's committed to running a blind raid?" That's harmless and fine. Nothing wrong with that. Yay English!

Every word choice or opinion that doesn't perfectly align with yours doesn't have to condemned, rejected, or ridiculed, Korny.

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