
Trespassing (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, May 23, 2018, 06:27 (2226 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

2. Batman is invited to have tea with the Joker.

The joker isn't looking to test batman to try to recruit him. He'd be trying to kill / distract or manipulate him into doing something evil. I never got the sense we were in any 'real' danger with Calus.

That's the thing about Calus, I have no idea what he wants from us, that's what makes him even more diabolical in my mind. This is also why mentioned the Joker. They both have a sense of wtf is going to happen next. Does Calus want to be our friend? Save his life? Play around with us for amusement? Do his bidding?

I guess I never thought about it that way.

But of course nobody else in the story / game ever mentions their thoughts on Calus… so there's no context at all. You'd think the Vanguard would be curious or something, especially with his agent in the tower. It doesn't help the story when past events don't influence the present.

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