
Bravo. (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Wednesday, May 23, 2018, 09:10 (2217 days ago) @ Malagate

Ohh I get it now. We can't tell the Vanguard about him because… we don't speak! :-p


But yeah, this whole agency-without-agency, or agency-without-a-voice thing gets to me. If the other characters interacted and actually processed new information in dialogue without breezing past it ["don't worry, we got this"], things would not only make more sense, but feel like they mattered.

I guess we're supposed to just believe in the intrinsic worth of humanity because the Traveler chose us; not because we've experienced any real loss or seen actual sacrifice.

When we see Hawthorne or Captain Teatime eat it; that'll be a start.


Yeah, as soon as we see someone actually die on screen then I might start caring about my mortality. But so far every guardian we have "lost" has been in lore or off screen. Is there a reason why we can't see the light get ripped out of a guardian even if it's just a cut scene?

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