Opinions (Destiny)
Let's start with a super unpopular opinion. I finally wrapped up the Ace of Spades quest two nights ago. Late. Stupid late. Should've been in bed for work two hours ago late. I signed in last night, loaded up an adventure to put it through it's paces and... It's garbage. Ace of Spades is trash. It looks good on paper, I was psyched to get my hands on it, but it does not live up to any expectations.
I'll likely never have one, as that grind is not my idea of fun, but you may be doing something wrong, as people with Ace tend to beat me pretty consistently in 1v1s. I figure it's something like D1's Jade Rabbit, where it's not flashy or "exotic" in a traditional sense, but in the right hands packs a nasty/unfair advantage. Most of the people who got it early tend to be the upper-tier Crucible players, though, so the scale of scary has been diminishing over time.
Badlander is the best shotgun in the game. It's Immobius crossed with Party Crasher. Keep your Ikelos Shotgun. You know, the one I'll never get because RNG and keys that take forever to get and farming that sucks. But that's fine. Because I have Badlander, and it's better.
If you think so. I do recommend farming for the Ikelos, though. RNG definitely feels nicer than before, and you don't need any key or anything (None of my characters on Xbox have completed Warmind's campaign, and I already have four shotguns, three of them dropping in a row). Just drops on Boss kills, which everyone is over-leveled for now.
Also, Misfit. Misfit is a beast.
Can confirm that Misfit is great. All of the Tangled shore weapons are fantastic with the right rolls, and there seem to be more good rolls than bad.
They should've called the expansion, "Loading..." because I sure as hell see and am held up by that FAR more than I used to be. Destiny 2: Loading. Half of my experience with the game is loading. Turn on Xbox, launch game, walk away, mix a drink, maybe return and sign in, wait some more, travel to destination, wait some more, run 600 feet around a corner, stuck loading. Even if, you know, I stood around for several minutes to perhaps give the game time to precache or preload or whatever it does to the areas immediately around or close by, nah. 50/50 chance you're gonna load, son. You know how annoying this is in Strikes? Hey, I was first out of the area, lead the charge to the next encounter, and then managed to miss the entire first half of it because I GOT STUCK LOADING. Oh and god forbid I need or want to check my inventory. It was slow before. It's a slug inching through salt now. Some nights are ok... I'll only get truly irritated with it's inability to keep up once or twice. Others are awful and I consider playing something else.
Man, I'm right there with you. When I play the game on Xbox, I've been committing to at least a five minute wait before I can even pick my character sometimes (I think it was Robot that I was going to join the other night, and they were almost done with a match by the time I made it to Orbit, and they jumped into one after I booted up Destiny.
It's nowhere near as bad on PS4, but still, the loading screens are easily twice as long as they were before. Wonder why Bungie can't seem to get it right.
Hey, let's talk about how awful the Director is now!
I agree that the director needs a serious overhaul. I especially hate that the Traveler is no longer centered, so you have to wait longer before you can choose your destination. And the fact that every Director screen is subject to loading, and requires you to travel around with the cursor all around the screen? Terrible. The Director's foundation is great, but what they've built on it is a Winchester House mess.
The game is too grindy and I hate it. Thanks Bungie, you took a nice thing and ruined it for people with actual lives and commitments.
I understand why they went back to a more "streamlined" approach with world mats, but items require far too many for infusion, and if you don't have Forsaken, there's no other way to acquire them besides grinding Patrol on every destination. Yay. What an engaging experience. In fact, if you think grinding is terrible in Forsaken, I can guarantee that all around, it is way, way worse if you didn't pony up the $40 for the expansion. Bungie literally made the game harder in every way to punish you for not having the expansion:
-Weapon and armor mods? Only if you happen across Y2 gear that has one built in.
-Masterwork Cores? Forget it. They're all but impossible to acquire now outside of raids, so forget infusing or Masterworking gear.
-Difficulty? The highest light that you can be is now 380, and endgame difficulty has been bumped up. Whisper, for example, is 390 now. And with the latest change, being underleveled hurts. And God help you if you go into Iron Banner. Even Speedracer was getting more kills than I was.
-Weeklies? You're stuck in the Legacy playlists, which don't really reward you with anything worthwhile (and fewer Tokens). Y2 gear is hard to get, and without Masterwork cores, you can forget taking it with you into Endgame content.
Oh, and the Dreaming City... Yeah. Made it there, haven't done anything there yet, get the impression I won't be able to do much there, because everything will insta kill me and I can't hurt it. So that's fun.
Yeah, Sammy was having a great time with Forsaken, and we started doing stuff in the DC, but then she got two-shot, and then one-shot, and nothing we did there was helping us progress. So she got bummed out and bounced. It's really nice that they added a proper endgame area, and that cool stuff is happening for no-lifers at a steady pace, but for those who aren't up for an extensive grind. there needs to be more on the other locations (and not just on the Shore). I appreciate the Heroic Adventures, and Wanted Targets were fun enough the first couple of days, but where are the Whisper-tier events that we were promised? Why are there no expansions to the existing content? Is Mercury just going to sit there, Sparrowless and dead despite the "infinite" possibilities?
How is Bungie taking care of the playerbase that doesn't have the latest expansion, or who has an actual life?
The story was surprisingly good, it's kind of a revenge story in the same vein as John Wick, so what's not to like? Aside from my Guardian finally speaking up and proving she isn't mute, only to say like, five words total. And Petra totally smoked Uldren.
I hate that I was right about our Guardian's dialogue being just a one-off. And that there was no personal choice put into Uldren's fate... but yeah, that aside, it was a decent campaign. Not great (and the bosses were not given their full potential), but serviceable, and fun. Tons and tons of wasted potential due to a lack of ambition, though, but at least the Lore is filling that hole.
The Scorn are pretty fun. Certainly more fun than the Taken, especially in a horde.
They can be. I wish they were a bit scarrier to fight, though. Outside of specific abilities and annoyances, they're pretty bland in the grand scheme of things. We need flying enemies! We need enemies that latch onto walls! We need mimics, and traps, and allies, and grabbers, and...
The Prison of Elders strike. Best strike ever? Or BEST strike ever? I haven't had that much fun in a strike since, ironically, THE CELL FROM THE PRISON OF ELDERS strike in D1. More like this plzkthx. It took us five attempts to beat the Warden first time, because we were so concentrated on melting him we were completely oblivious to his solar/nuclear/whatever attack that'll damn near insta kill you if you don't have cover. Bonus mechanic touch I love: If he follows after you, the shadows of course move, and as long as you stay with it, you're safe. It's a simple, logical thing that makes me really happy. We keep wanting to drag out that fight and see just how much he throws at you, and keep getting so caught up in it we kill him and move on.
I think it falls somewhere between best strike ever and BEST strike ever.
New supers. Dude. I thought I was Thor before.
Don't have Thor hammer, but... I never thought I'd see the day, but I prefer to play as a Titan in Crucible more than Warlock now(!). It's just pure, unadulterated mindless fun. I've always loved that unlike the other classes, playing as a Warlock actually requires skill. So there's always been a sense of satisfaction that comes with floofing over a sea of my dead enemies... But Ground-pounding on hapless saps for days? infinite shoulder charges? Supermaning across the map at a panicking group? This!?
Titans too much fun, Bungie plz don't nerf.
We're three seasons in? Four? The Clan system feels useless. My biggest grief with it? The milestones.
Why am I, in my humble little clan of friends with just under 10 members, subjected to the same qualifications for completing a milestone as DBO, a Clan with probably 5-10 times as many members? I have never seen any return from my Clan, and never will, and I think it's disingenuous for Bungie to claim that anyone can make a Clan and get rewards out of it. This isn't even a hard problem to fix. Just tier the Clan system and implement a restriction on bailing and rejoining Clans. The more people in your Clan, the harder those milestones should be to hit.
100% Agree. There is no good reason for why Clans aren't tiered. Especially now that Bungie has stated that leveling up your clan will be more meaningful. They did the exact opposite, by making clan XP bounty-based, thereby decreasing the rate at which you can level up your clan. I can't remember the last time that I've heard Hawthorne's stupid speech, because I did quit. Grinding specific bounties all week is not fun. Why did they take away the game rewarding you for playing what you want to play?
I'm not arguing that I'm entitled to, or should have access to, all of the things. I made my peace with that long ago. I will never have or do all of the things in Destiny. That's fine. A large portion of it I can just comfortably ignore. The Clan system, however, was a "Big Deal". It's Hawthorne's only purpose in the Tower. It's a major part of the game you're walked through and pushed towards, and I get no benefit out of it. It's a dead-end system for me, which makes it a failure on their behalf.
Right. Bungie said that Clans would be better. Guided Games was supposed to encourage Clan activity, and clan rewards were supposed to be neat. Instead, they abandoned GG, and the whiny neckbeards who didn't want to share their toys with their clan got Trials engrams removed.
So... what is there to do with our clans now?
Why do we not have something to work for or build together?
Why can't we work together as a clan to use our resources to build a giant memorial to strippers that we then have our community managers explore during an official stream? ... Oh. Guess I just answered my own question there...
Complete thread:
- Opinions -
2018-10-03, 15:54
- Opinions -
2018-10-03, 16:06
- Clans, big vs small -
2018-10-04, 07:53
- Clans, big vs small - Phoenix_9286, 2018-10-04, 12:39
- Clans, big vs small -
2018-10-04, 07:53
- Opinions -
2018-10-03, 18:10
- Opinions - Ragashingo, 2018-10-03, 21:06
- Opinions -
Cody Miller,
2018-10-03, 21:32
- Opinions -
2018-10-03, 21:43
- Opinions -
2018-10-04, 07:47
- Opinions -
Cody Miller,
2018-10-04, 09:10
- Opinions -
Claude Errera,
2018-10-04, 10:46
- Ha - kidtsunami, 2018-10-04, 10:47
- Opinions -
Cody Miller,
2018-10-04, 11:38
- lol
- Claude Errera, 2018-10-04, 13:43
- lol -
Cody Miller,
2018-10-04, 14:21
- It's Quiet...
- INSANEdrive, 2018-10-04, 14:26
- lol -
2018-10-04, 14:35
- lol -
2018-10-04, 14:54
- IS THIS A JOKE - Funkmon, 2018-10-04, 21:59
- lol -
2018-10-04, 14:54
- It's Quiet...
- lol -
Cody Miller,
2018-10-04, 14:21
- lol
- Opinions -
Claude Errera,
2018-10-04, 10:46
- Opinions -
Cody Miller,
2018-10-04, 09:10
- Opinions -
2018-10-04, 07:47
- Opinions -
2018-10-03, 21:43
- Opinions -
2018-10-04, 07:41
- Opinions -
2018-10-04, 13:09
- EP Schedule -
Claude Errera,
2018-10-04, 13:42
- EP Schedule -
2018-10-04, 14:16
- EP Schedule -
Cody Miller,
2018-10-04, 14:24
- EP Schedule -
2018-10-04, 14:34
- EP Schedule -
Cody Miller,
2018-10-04, 14:42
- EP Schedule - Claude Errera, 2018-10-04, 15:16
- EP Schedule -
2018-10-04, 15:22
- EP Schedule -
Cody Miller,
2018-10-04, 15:42
- EP Schedule -
2018-10-08, 08:01
- EP Schedule -
2018-10-08, 08:46
- EP Schedule - MacAddictXIV, 2018-10-08, 09:19
- EP Schedule -
2018-10-08, 08:46
- EP Schedule -
2018-10-08, 08:01
- EP Schedule -
Cody Miller,
2018-10-04, 15:42
- EP Schedule -
Cody Miller,
2018-10-04, 14:42
- EP Schedule -
2018-10-04, 14:34
- EP Schedule -
Cody Miller,
2018-10-04, 14:24
- EP Schedule -
2018-10-04, 14:16
- Opinions -
2018-10-04, 15:20
- Opinions - Claude Errera, 2018-10-04, 16:54
- EP Schedule -
Claude Errera,
2018-10-04, 13:42
- Opinions -
2018-10-04, 13:09
- Opinions - Kermit, 2018-10-04, 11:56
- Ace of Spades rules. -
2018-10-03, 21:29
- Ace of Spades rules. - Harmanimus, 2018-10-04, 04:07
- Opinions -
2018-10-04, 04:28
- Opinions - Phoenix_9286, 2018-10-04, 13:26
- Opinions -
2018-10-03, 16:06