
Opinions (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, October 04, 2018, 14:17 (2344 days ago) @ Phoenix_9286

I'm becoming convinced it's down to playstyles. It felt like I had to be nailing crits constantly to get anything out of it, which meant I had to dial back how quickly I moved through an encounter dramatically. I think as a Titan, I'm too used to being a wrecking ball and bombing through enemies for that to ever feel good, and part of that being possible means I'm usually gunning at center mass, not heads. Conversely, Crimson enables the rapid fire encounter bombing I'm used to, while only requiring I pop a headshot kill every few enemies to have my mag auto loaded.

Either way, the whole thing werids me out. I'm using a Handcannon as my primary. That just ain't right. I'm an Auto Rifle man. Pulse Rifle MAYBE, but only if it's either full auto, or has a killer RPM like Lincoln Green's 540. Scouts are reserved for plinking at things far away, because I can't be bothered to carry a Sniper Rifle. But Handcannons? Never had need of one.

Well, sure, but that's a far cry different from the "that hand cannon sucks" of your original post.

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