Some updated data: (Destiny)

by Phoenix_9286 @, Saturday, October 13, 2018, 13:23 (2037 days ago) @ Harmanimus

You can buy planetary materials which are rotationally used to buy Shards from Spider. I grow my Shards that way (up over 2.1k since Forsaken started where I was at 1.3k) and I still spend 30 every day I remember to getting MW cores from Spider and on other things. Breaking down legendary world shaders as discussed here already if you aren’t using them is a good boost, too.

My problem with that is then I basically have to spend time trolling around whatever planet of the week farming and grinding out mats, which is not how I want to spend the sometimes not even twoish hours a night I get with the game, or ever really.

I realize and accept it as a solution, and that my unwillingness to use it is basically my problem, not the game's. It doesn't change the fact thay Destiny's economy just isn't friendly to players with lives and real world commitments who don't have four hour blocks of time to spend.

As an aside, this is also why I don't think I've ever triggered and used one of the medallions. Lasts four hours? Dude, if it rolled over between sessions, hell yeah, but I'm reluctant to burn something I know I'm not going to get full use out of.

Ugh. I'll keep it all in mind. Maybe it'll become a nighly ritual to grind out bounties on whatever planet of the week before diving into strikes, but that cuts into the limited time my fireteam has for running strikes.

No good solutions.

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