
This Week at Bungie 10-25-18 (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, October 25, 2018, 15:12 (2066 days ago)

The weekly update has been posted..

They kick things off with a costume contest. Put on a mask and play with your armor and shaders to make a costume. Take screenshot and submit it by the 31st. Ten best costumes will get an exclusive emblem.

They highlight some quality of life changes.

Banshee will take 25 Gunsmith Materials at a time instead of ten.

Mastework Cores are now Enhancement Cores. Six Spider bounties per week will reward cores.

Shader deletion time is .25 seconds instead of 1 second. You can carry 20 Ghost Fragments instead of ten.

Exotic duplicate fix stuff.

Gamibt will have Double Infamy from October 30th to November 2nd, and Triple Infamy from November 2nd to November 7th.

Refer-a-Friend is returning with some weird shaders as rewards.

Player Support Report and Movie of the Weed end the update as always.

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