
Yeah but... (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, October 26, 2018, 07:21 (2066 days ago) @ stabbim

Well, previously if you got a duplicate drop, it was possible to use that to infuse your old one, and it would only cost 5K glimmer. Now, you won't be getting dupes of these particular items, so anything you can use to infuse them is guaranteed to need "enhancement cores" as they're apparently called now. It's not the most critical scenario IMO, but it's a thing.

The drop rate isn't any worse. If anything the drop rate for GUNS might be worse so I guess that is a thing. But the whole point of this is that the drop rate for new things goes up. Year 1 stuff is still going to drop so you can still use that to infuse. I just feel like this is an overall win for drop rates. I mean, people are complaining that they don't get new weapons, and when they then improve that (not by much mind you), they complain about not getting enough infusion fodder? I guess it kinda confuses me as to while people can't just take a change for what it is.

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