RNG was kind last night (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, November 13, 2018, 14:27 (2303 days ago) @ CougRon

So there I was doing the blind well and the RNG dropped an exotic sword Black Talon for me at the end of a unstable charge round. I know very little about the sword but it’s pretty nice and I’m trying to figure out when I can blast baddies with it.

Anyone else have luck recently?

Exotics are dropping like rain these days, almost.

Played with Robot and Rellekh last night; Robot got 4 exotics, Rellekh got 3. (Granted, they both got Wish-ender, so maybe you want to count that as 3 and 2.)

I only got 1 (Ursa Furiosa), but that might be because in the past 2 weeks, I've gotten more than half a dozen new ones:

Malfeasance (might not count)
Trinity Ghoul
Lord of Wolves
Twin-Tailed Fox
Black Talon
Antaeus Wards
The Sixth Coyote
Contraverse Hold

I feel like whatever switch they had for keeping the Exotics rare, someone flipped it not too long ago.

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