
They made the best commentary about Zelda that I've read (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Wednesday, April 03, 2019, 10:53 (2138 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I’m interested in opinions as well. But when people can’t or won’t distinguish between their own opinions and facts, that tells me something about their thinking. Specifically, they are usually haven’t thought things through properly. Or better said, they CAN’T think things through clearly, because they can’t tell the difference between their own opinions and facts.

Is it really that hard? Here's how to tell if something is someone's opinion:

Is it a referential statement to an event that actually occurred? Is it in quotation marks? If the answer to both is no, it's their opinion. As far as I could tell, there were few facts at all in Saving Zelda save for release dates and things like that.

Late in the original Zelda’s second quest, I got stuck.


That is what I’m claiming: that modern Zeldas are broken at their core.


Why is this only clear to me?

Yeah I was going to ask, where did we get confused about stated fact vs opinion? It sounds like they make some hardcore value judgements, but ultimately they're stated as opinion and not as a fact. You just think they have a bad opinion, and that's like your opinion man.

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