
My top concern (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, April 26, 2019, 10:54 (2095 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Just on a base level, I’ve largely defined Destiny guns by their firing rates. Knocking these guns into the lower firing rate seems like it makes them different guns. Changing that Magnificent Howl perk from increasing headshot damage to bodyshot damage seems like it adds changing where you should aim on top of changing the rhythm of how you use the gun.

I’m happy to see a nerf applied to problematic weapons instead of buffs applied to the entire rest of the sandbox since I’m of the opinion that Bungie got too much on a buffing streak, but these two overlapping changes feel like they will “break” these guns. The numbers might say you still have an advantage, but the feel will probably change dramatically.

If the problem was Magnificent Howl allowing two shot kills, just decrease the perk damage? I’d think even a massive 50% or 75% decrease in damage the perk does would be preferable to essentially changing these into different guns.

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