
Agreed. (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Tuesday, June 04, 2019, 12:29 (2018 days ago) @ cheapLEY

And if it's debatable that it's a spoiler, treat it as if it is.

I guess that’s the thing. In my mind, it’s not debatable. It’s marketing material. That makes it not a spoiler.

I’m not saying this to be an asshole. I’m merely saying that it would not have even crossed my mind to mark it as a spoiler. It’s literally an advertisement for a new expansion. It cannot be a spoiler. Unless your plan is to stay off of Destiny related sites on the internet until this fall, it’s something you are automatically going to see.

I understand what you are saying from your perspective. But you have to understand my perspective. I'm at work, I haven't booted up Destiny, I didn't know that was on the splash screen. All I saw was a subject line that said "datamined patchnotes + Spoiler material about next expansion." Which is pretty flagrant in my books. So if I'm going to see a splash screen in Destiny, why oh why do we need to post it on DBO? I'm literally going to be seeing it when I boot up Destiny. Why do I need to see it before then? Is there more content in there that isn't on that splash screen? (Don't answer that apart from a yes or no).

This is a topic that is both about what was posted as well as just spoilers in general. If this was any other content then I would be more than just annoyed. For example, if it was actually datamined info that Bungie hasn't released... It's the principle of the matter.

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