
Reading this... We all lose. (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Tuesday, June 04, 2019, 17:22 (2017 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV
edited by INSANEdrive, Tuesday, June 04, 2019, 17:27

I can't help be reminded of this skit about spoilers.

Part of the fun in this forum is the... higher degree in chance to having a mature conversation... ON THE INTERNET!

Yet, I've noticed a fear slowly brew into conversational landmines which have developed to the point of, where I sit, an obtuse degree. This fear I observe is a deep deep gnawing fear of "missing out". Shit, I suppose now that I've put that on page, I can't help but realize why. Destiny caters to those who fear of "missing out", I said as much about myself to this game when I walked away from Destiny so I could go do... that life thing. The fear of missing out is a silent tenant of Destiny 2 as it is today. Destiny as a whole, frankly, with the collection aspect and all.

To that end, we have yet another thread here about the dreaded "spoilers", to whatever consideration that may be. MacAddictXIV, in his surprise, wasn't expecting to see Shadowkeep and therefore the default response is SURPRISE! Which, naturally lead to...OH NO EMOTIONS! I don't know what this is and its context thus I've lost something I can't get back! Et cetera Et cetera.

And cheapLEY? Heh-eh, Ohhhhh cheapLEY. He dares make a logical point about timing and type of content, that these fears are silly in this particular context. Apparently, if I read correctly, that doesn't matter.

SO! I shall end this mad little mumble by makeing sure you all know that the Official E3 Game Conference for 2019 is on June 11-13th, you are on the internet and that it is ill advised to put your combustive frog collection in the ships vent core.

TL;DR Man... I just want to talk about blowing shit up with space magic. I want to be excited, and I came here to be excited. I suppose that's naive of me too. We all lose.

TL;DR TL;DR - Damn it Korny! :P

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