
AI "bars" sound like fun... (DBO)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Friday, October 11, 2013, 09:38 (4147 days ago) @ Mid7night

I wonder, what would an AI "barfight" look like? Clearly "look" is a loose term, as the goings-on, I presume, would be entirely digital in nature (side-question; is 'digital' an appropriate term, as we understand it?) Although, I suppose an AI-barfight could have physical repercussions on their related systems. I imagine some technician somewhere trying in vain to troubleshoot a seemingly-spontaneous and unexplained system glitch... or are you above such shenanigans? ;)

I'm picturing sparks and ozone. :)

This could explain that logic board failure I had a few years back…

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