
Request for Super Good Advice (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Thursday, October 24, 2019, 08:09 (1645 days ago) @ marmot 1333

First and foremost, go to the tower and pick up bounties for any/all activities you're going to do. They reward XP, which will upgrade your seasonal artifact, which will give you more rewards (and mods). If you visit a planet, grab the planetary bounties.

From 750 to 900, just play the game; do what you like. Blues drop everywhere and will raise your power level; just equip (or keep) the highest item you have in each slot until you hit 900.

You can start in on the story right away, but some of the missions will be 860 - you may want to do a little leveling before you jump in.

After 900, you'll see "powerful rewards" from weekly activities on your director. There are "tiers" of powerful rewards, I don't think you need to worry too much about it - just do activities that reward powerful drops and you'll continue to increase power. Note that some vendors reward powerful drops for doing a certain number of bounties a week.

Some new content/activities are revealed at the end of the story, require power over 900, and reward powerful drops. Nightmare hunts, vex offensive, etc. Give them a try and have fun.

If you've plateaued due to a specific piece of gear being under-leveled, you can turn in tokens or materials at a tower vendor for gear. It's still random and it might take a few hundred before you get an item in the slot you need, but it's a way to speed progress.

I think people are still getting the hang of armor. When something drops, you should weigh:

Elemental affinity - this determines what weapons it can slot perks for. When comparing armor, I compare arc pieces to arc pieces, solar to solar, etc. Eventually you'll want at least one geed set in each element (assuming you use a mix of weapons).

Total score: this is a sum of all the stat values of a piece (intellect, recovery, etc.). If a piece has a low score (less than 54 or so), you're probably not going to hang onto it long. Never shard your highest power items, of course.

Stat distribution: This is personal preference, but consider your play style and look at how the stats are split on a given armor piece. My warlock wants intellect, recovery above all else (and resilience and discipline above mobility and strength). Comparing two pieces with similar total values, look at the stat distribution to decide which to keep.

Note that all stats can be increased using mods, but intellect and recovery cost the most energy to slot. You may favor pieces with high intellect and/or high recovery just because the mods to make up the other stats wont have as much of an impact on the perks you can carry.

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