
You two are also good at Destiny (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Wednesday, November 13, 2019, 09:13 (1628 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

That’s also a fair point. (:

Chasing Pinnacles just isn’t something I care about. I’m happy to get them, but that extra 10 power level I could take or leave at the end of the day.

Lots of people were complaining that the 960 cap wasn’t even possible to obtain even with perfect drops in the slots you need. I guess I’m actually okay with the game having a sort of theoretical cap that might not actually be attainable, with the Artifact filling in the gaps.

That grind is there for folks to chase if they want it, but it’s not strictly necessarily the way getting to the cap used to feel like it was.

The one point of friction that jumps out at me is that some of these high-level activities (Nightfalls in particular) are pretty much the only source of ascendant shards, other than purchasing them (and we’ve already covered how obscenely expensive that is). So if you want to really dig into maximizing the RPG side of character building, you kinda have to get your light level up into the 970s at least, unless you’re an exceptionally skilled player.

Where I agree with this, I also lump that maximizing RPG side with maximizing your light level to 960. Getting your armor to the point of not quite needing the ascendant shards is basically the same place as being at 950 in my book. Now, if you weren't able to use those spiffy new seasonal mods until you leveled something up with an ascendant shard, then that would be a whole other story.

I basically haven't touched mods really until I got to the raid and was dying to void, so I equipped void resistance. Then when I needed to do DPS I equipped the void grenade mod that increases damage. Well, also the new seasonal weapon mods, but I don't think those really count :D

Basically, I haven't needed any of the mods (except for the weapon mods) but they are fun at least. I'm sure they might be really powerful if I have the right build but I just haven't needed to get into that.

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