
You know those are the only options because...? (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 09:12 (1627 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I’m not giving them a pass, truly.

But I still do give them some benefit of the doubt. They cut from Activision and are also working on an entirely new IP. The content they are currently putting out is lackluster, and that sucks. The way they market that content is bullshit. They market it like it’s essential, can’t-miss stuff, when it’s really just busywork for the people who would be playing anyway. I don’t even think that’s necessarily a bad thing, it’s just a problem of messaging what the content actually is, which is just something to do between bigger pieces of content.

I do think they haven’t figured out a way to release substantial content in a timely fashion without being in a state of constant crunch, and also allowing resources to work on their new IP. Let’s not pretend that’s an easy problem to solve.

I also want to note that it could be their processes, or it could be their foundational code or build system. There is a lot about technology where once you start building on to something, it's incredibly hard to change any of the foundation. People have this idea that just because code is virtual it is really easy to change... It's not :D

You make a godo point that yes, they need to work harder, but all we can do is assume what their problems are to get it to a point. We don't know any of that. All we can see is what the end product is now, and where we want it to go. We have no idea the work required to get their and what their resources are. I always give software the benefit of the doubt because I know how a simple problem could actually be incredibly hard to do.

But they are a AAA company and they do have resources. So you know, they have the talent. It just depends where they are spending their effort.

This video is exaggerated to some extent and it's made to be funny, but in reality this is sometimes what software is like. We have instances of this kind of thing in my company. I can't even imagine what a constantly live game has. Food for thought.

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