Questions about Red Dead Redemption 2 (Gaming)

by marmot 1333 @, Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 08:53 (1633 days ago) @ Kermit

I'd listen to someone who has played both to completion regarding playing the first RDR first.

That's fair. After I responded to the question, I realized that I generalized the question to "Do I NEED to play the first one first?", and I feel qualified to give an answer to that question :)

I played a decent bit of the first RDR, probably 8 to 9 years ago, but I don't remember a lot of the story details of the game.

I never beat it because there was one mission I kept failing until I just rage quit: You had to ride your horse for 10 minutes during exposition and then chase a guy? shoot a guy? I can't remember now--but I kept insta-failing the mission and the checkpoint was extremely harsh on my time. It was taking me 10 to 15 minutes each attempt to fail this mission.

Luckily Rockstar became a lot more forgiving in their savepoints / ability to skip sections once you failed them a lot starting in GTAV and continuing in RDR2.

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